The Manitoba Human Rights Commission is an independent agency of the Government of Manitoba and is responsible for administering The Human Rights Code.
We are governed by a Board of Commissioners who are appointed by the Government to represent the geographic, cultural, social and economic profile of Manitoba. We report annually to the Minister of Justice.
We are responsible for promoting human rights principles and educating the public about the rights and responsibilities in The Code
We provide human rights training and regularly present to groups and at conferences about human rights principles. We consult with the public about emerging human rights issues and use the information we gather to develop education tools to assist the public and to raise awareness about issues with the public, organizations and Government. We reach out to all Manitobans in various ways to share that "we are all equal in dignity and rights".
We are responsible for administering a complaint process.
We take complaints of discrimination, investigate them and determine if there is sufficient evidence that The Code has been contravened to warrant a public hearing of the complaint. At the adjudication of a complaint, we represent the public's interest in eliminating discrimination and ensuring that employers, landlords and service providers comply with The Code.
We also offer mediation at various stages in the complaint process to give parties an opportunity to try and resolve their complaint without the need for a hearing.
The Manitoba Human Rights Commission is a member of the Canadian Association Statutory Human Rights Agencies (CASHRA), which is an association of the federal, provincial and territorial human rights commissions. For more information on CASHRA and human rights across Canada, visit
Winnipeg Office p: 204-945-3007 | f: 204-945-1292 |
Brandon Office p: 204-726-6261 | f: 204-726-6035 |
Toll Free: 1-888-884-8681 |