"Much discrimination is rooted in ignorance and education is essential to its eradication, and therefore it is important that human rights educational programs assist Manitobans to understand all their fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as their corresponding duties and responsibilities to others"
-Preamble, The Human Rights Code
The Commission educates the public about The Human Rights Code through education seminars and workshops. We use a rights-based approach that involves working through scenarios to build the capacity of the participants to better navigate issues in their workplaces and avoid complaints.
You can attend one of our sessions, or book us to provide a customized workshop at your workplace if you have a specific issue that you would like covered or wish to reach a large group.
We also present at conferences and other events on human rights issues and use our Connections Bulletin, website and social media to educate the public and promote human rights.
In light of the current circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the Human Rights Commission is currently only delivering training online via webinar only
*Please note the sessions below are delivered in English. For delivery of an education session in French, please contact the Commission at hrc@gov.mb.ca or (204) 945-3007.
Take a proactive approach to human rights in your workplace. Learn about your legal obligations to identify and remove barriers as an employer or service provider under The Human Rights Code. Work through scenarios and discuss how you can identify and address human rights issues and avoid discrimination and harassment complaints.
This seminar covers the basic concepts of differential treatment, reasonable accommodation, harassment and reprisal and is ideal for human resources and labour personnel, management and anyone involved in providing strategic or organizational direction in the workplace.
Promoting inclusion in the workplace starts with identifying and removing barriers. Learn to identify when your legal obligations under The Human Rights Code are triggered so you can better navigate and respond to requests for accommodation based on disability, family status and religion. Work through scenarios and discuss what information you can ask for and what you are entitled to know and how to balance operational needs with your responsibilities under human rights law.
This seminar provides a more in-depth discussion of human rights principles and how they are applied in the workplace and is ideal for anyone who has taken Human Rights -1.0 or who has a firm understanding of the principles in The Human Rights Code.
This course offers a foundations for learning about harassment as it is defined in The Human Rights Code. During the course we’ll explain the obligation of employers, service and housing providers to take reasonable steps to address harassment and provide approaches for implementing effective policy or complaints mechanism to address harassment. Participants will also learn about steps involved in effectively investigating harassment allegations.
To register, please contact MHRC at hrc@gov.mb.ca or by telephone at (204) 945-3007 / 1-888-884-8681 Toll Free in Manitoba.
If you are registering a group of staff, we can provide you with a group rate. Please contact hrc@gov.mb.ca for more information.
If you would like MHRC to provide customized training for your workplace, please contact us at hrc@gov.mb.ca
The Manitoba Human rights Commission is a member of the Canadian Association of Statutory Human Rights Agencies. Together with other Commissions across Canada, we have launched free online training on key human rights topics.
Human rights law in Canada makes it illegal to deny someone service or discriminate against them by treating them differently because of their race, colour or ethnicity. This course is designed to help front-line service staff understand, address and prevent consumer racial profiling.
Safer Spaces in Canada addresses the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace, a serious problem brought to light through the #MeToo movement and denouncements of such behaviour from across the globe. Course material includes situational learning, best practices and advice for employers on how to properly address sexual harassment, as well as resources for employees that may have experienced sexual harassment.
To take the training, or for more information, visit www.cashra.ca
Winnipeg Office p: 204-945-3007 | f: 204-945-1292 |
Brandon Office p: 204-726-6261 | f: 204-726-6035 |
Toll Free: 1-888-884-8681 |